Forums - do u think honda's jab headbutt can be used as a anti-crossup tool? Show all 10 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- do u think honda's jab headbutt can be used as a anti-crossup tool? ( Posted by sf2rb on 12:02:2001 02:47 AM: do u think honda's jab headbutt can be used as a anti-crossup tool? i mean in sf2t or ssf2t,if ryu or ken jump crossup honda when he was knocked down,wht the best thing honda can do???do u think u can perfrom the jab headbutt when the direction is charged??? any help? Posted by Dynamyte2U on 12:02:2001 03:28 AM: Actually, the jab-headbutt is the best anti-crossover tool. Posted by sf2rb on 12:02:2001 03:32 AM: quote: Originally posted by Dynamyte2U Actually, the jab-headbutt is the best anti-crossover tool. but,how to do the jab headbutt,when the direction is charged when the guy crossup u? Posted by Leviathan on 12:02:2001 04:35 AM: Well, if you are already knocked down, and they cross sides, you can do anything about it. If you are standing, you can do it right as they jump over you (but before you change directions)it will still work. Sometimes you even charge left, hit right+HP, and will headbutt left, if you time it right. Posted by water on 12:02:2001 05:04 AM: I agree. It is all in the timing. When used correctly that is his best anti-crossup move. Posted by sf2rb on 12:02:2001 10:53 AM: great thx....i will try to jab headbutt em!!!!!!btw,do u think the butt dive also anti-crossup? Posted by water on 12:02:2001 01:36 PM: I'm not quite sure if you want to go with that move instead of the headbutt. It is easier to execute against crossups since it is d,u. But I'm not sure of the priority, especially against high priority moves like Ken's j.Fwd kick. I guess at the very least you would be off the ground if and when you get hit so that eating a combo would be less of a threat. I'm gonna have to experiment a little more with that move. Posted by sf2rb on 12:03:2001 01:52 AM: so is the dive invincible at the start like the torpedo? Posted by honda man on 12:03:2001 08:07 AM: to tell you the truth, the head but is not a great anti cross up... the reason for this is that a cross us at good range will go over the attacking range of honda's head. and when you then execute honda's light head butt, all you have done is move the distance of a head butt. there is a certain arc of effect concerning the head butt, namely up from his eyes. But since ehonda is so wide, you will miss the cross us, and give him a free attack. Using the medium head butt just to give you distance is a better idea, since it somewhat resets the match. and in cvs 2, the buttslam is not effective enough to use as an anti jump in. It still has the window of invonerability, but if you get far enough away when you miss, you are open to anything. After playing ehonda for a long time (year) against a great cross up guy, i can know that there will be situations when you will just miss, making it better to use medium to reset the match unless you are sure that you will hit them. It takes practice to know the correct range, but once you find it, the jab and medium head butts will give themselves when needed. Posted by sf2rb on 12:03:2001 08:51 AM: not!!!!!!!all u guys are rong......after my huge practice in sf2t and st,i found that it is NOT possible to use the jab headbutt to anti-crossup....: